R.I.P. Common Sense: What Happens When God Gives Parents Over

No one can deny that common sense has seen to have left the building. What is troubling is what happens when parents use irrational thinking around their children.


7/15/20233 min read

pink and white flowers on gray concrete tomb
pink and white flowers on gray concrete tomb

I wasn't going to do this post, but after watching a video last night, I had to address the elephant in the room. Is it just me, or has anyone else wondered when the world went insane and lost all common sense? I was watching a clip on YouTube where a mother explained that she knew that her child was transgendered when he was 18 months old. You read that right, 18 months. The mother explained that she noticed that her 18 month-old son became fascinated with his sister's toys and how she didn't think much of it. As time went by, she described how her son liked wearing dresses and costumes at preschool. The mother went on to say that when her son was around 4, she and her husband definitely knew that their son was transgendered because he hated playing t-ball. Is it just me or does this make very little sense? My daughter just turned 16 months old, 2 months younger than the child mentioned in this video. I can tell you that as an observant mother, my daughter has no concept as to what kind of toys she is playing with. All she knows is that they are colorful and she wants to throw them across her playpen. She loves playing with blocks and is currently grasping the idea of puzzles. Children at this age are exploring the world around them. They can't even hold a conversation yet (not one you can understand anyway). If a child is still figuring out logic, how in the world are they going to be able to tell their parents that they are transgendered?

I know that common sense has left many, but at what point in time did children playing make believe become serious? I remember when my brother was around 2 to 4 years old. he enjoyed putting on wigs, high heels and carried a purse around the house. Did we think he was trying to tell us that he was born into the wrong body? No, he was playing pretend, stimulating his imagination. According to the mother's logic, my brother was telling us that he was transgendered, something that I had not even heard of at that time since I was around 11 years old. So by going through this mother's thought process, my brother, who is now 27, should be a transgendered woman, right? Wrong, he is a very straight heterosexual man.

So, what is going on? As we have seen in recent years, America has become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, turning away from God and mocking Him at every turn. Romans 1:28 states, "Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done." I truly believe that this is what is going on now. Before I called on Jesus as my Lord and Savior, I thought like this as well. I believed that there were people who were born into the wrong bodies. I mean, God makes no mistakes, right? This was my logic and the logic of those who see nothing wrong with this behavior. After accepting Jesus, my mindset changed almost immediately. Like someone turned on a light switch. Now, I know with certainty that there is no such thing as being born into the wrong body, for God makes no mistakes. Will reading this make some people angry? Yes, but it is my love for others that makes me speak the truth. I want to see every person turn to Jesus. I don't want to see anyone suffer damnation for all eternity. Those who truly love, like Jesus, will tell all the truth, no matter how much it hurts. After all, the first words spoken by Jesus were, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 4:17).

There are many parents who have been given over to this mindset that a child as young as 2 can determine that their transgendered. Some of these parents in fact claim that they are Christians. It was Jesus who said, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27). We know that while He was with the Father, they created male and female (Genesis 1:27), so if they were true Christians, they would know this truth. What makes it even worse is that those who know this truth will be labeled as bigots and transphobic, which I think is ridiculous because as followers of Christ, we fear no one except God. Brothers and sisters, we cannot back down from what is truth because we are being harassed and targeted. Instead, we must continue to be bold like the disciples when the pharisees threatened them for speaking the truth.

"My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness." -Proverbs 8:7