Street Preacher Fights To Protect the Children

In this day and age, evil is all around us. Good has become evil and evil has become good. There is one street preacher that is unafraid to stand for truth.


6/30/20233 min read

As we know, there has been an ongoing attack on brainwashing our children. With more and more drag queen story hours popping up around the country, many children are being exposed to LGBTQ issues, even though they are too young to comprehend what they are seeing. While some parents eagerly push this agenda on their children, there are not many in the Christian community standing up for these little ones. There is one preacher that decided to take matters into his own hands. Dorre Love, a street preacher (Ministry of the WORD) from Canada remains unafraid and unashamed of the Gospel. I first came across Love a few years ago when I had first become a Christian. I was inspired by his boldness and his passion to spread God's message. He and his followers have been attacked, had their equipment broken and stolen, and yet, they still go out every day and preach. This is the courage that I look to have if I am ever in situations such as these.

I am in no way affiliated with Love or his ministry, even though I am a supporter, but I had to share this video because this is what our society has been reduced to. We now live in a society where it is okay for grown men to wear not only women's clothing, but sensual women's clothing, in front of children. Some say that this is harmless fun, but when did this become okay? As a mother, I would never put my daughter in a position such as this. Drag queens are known for their sexual nature, and so I would protect my daughter at all costs from this madness. There are some that may say that the Bible doesn't say anything against drag queens, but according to Deuteronomy 22:5, “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God." Now, we all sin, for there is no such thing as a perfect person, except Jesus, but there are only a few things in the Bible that are an abomination to God. As we can see, one of those things is cross-dressing. God made men and women different from each other. While we're equal in His eyes, we each have different roles. Men are naturally stronger than women, there's no changing that, while women are more nurturing. Having a man dressed as a woman in front of children is giving them the wrong impression. Men are not and will never be women, and vice versa, no matter how much surgery they get.

In this video, you will see Love boldly confront this drag queen who is performing in front of a bunch of children. You can clearly see Satan working his deception onto these parents. Brothers and sisters, this is how we fight for our children. We must stand up and say enough is enough. Companies are now seeing the effects of caving in to this corruption. There is strength in numbers. As Christians, we are taught to love our neighbors. How can we love our neighbors if we stand quietly by and not warn them of the eternal damnation that God says will happen to them if they don't repent? One of my favorite sayings is love the sinner, hate the sin. I love everyone, but I will not tolerate something that God calls an abomination. I give Dorre Love props for walking into dangerous teritory to preach the Gospel so these little ones may not be led astray.

For more information about Dorre Love and Ministry of the WORD, visit his site and YouTube Channel.